"<strong>Obamacare contraception mandate: </strong>Catholic nuns from the Little Sisters of the Poor walk down the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court in March. The group was challenging the government's new health-care regulations. Lawyers for the nuns and other religious nonprofits told the court that the so-called contraceptive mandate forces these groups to either violate their religious beliefs or pay ruinous fines. The justices, in a unanimous decision in May, <a href=""http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/16/politics/supreme-court-obamacare-contraceptive-mandate/"" target=""_blank"">sent the case back down to the lower courts</a> for opposing parties to work out a compromise."
"<strong>Obamacare contraception mandate: </strong>Catholic nuns from the Little Sisters of the Poor walk down the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court in March. The group was challenging the government's new health-care regulations. Lawyers for the nuns and other religious nonprofits told the court that the so-called contraceptive mandate forces these groups to either violate their religious beliefs or pay ruinous fines. The justices, in a unanimous decision in May, <a href=""http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/16/politics/supreme-court-obamacare-contraceptive-mandate/"" target=""_blank"">sent the case back down to the lower courts</a> for opposing parties to work out a compromise."