Superhero inspired by Susanoo, the Japanese god of the sea and storms. Reimagine him as a master of cosmic tempests in a future where galaxies are governed by celestial weather patterns. His attire melds ancient Japanese aesthetics with advanced storm-tech designs, adorned with lightning motifs. His aura pulsates with the force of cosmic cyclones. Incorporate a blade that can summon and control any celestial storm. Colors: storm slate, realm ruby, and ruler royal-blue. Capture the essence of a ruler commanding the vast tempests of the universe.
Superhero inspired by Susanoo, the Japanese god of the sea and storms. Reimagine him as a master of cosmic tempests in a future where galaxies are governed by celestial weather patterns. His attire melds ancient Japanese aesthetics with advanced storm-tech designs, adorned with lightning motifs. His aura pulsates with the force of cosmic cyclones. Incorporate a blade that can summon and control any celestial storm. Colors: storm slate, realm ruby, and ruler royal-blue. Capture the essence of a ruler commanding the vast tempests of the universe.