Superhero inspired by Orpheus, the legendary Greek musician whose music could charm the very stones. His full-body suit is embedded with strings and musical circuits, creating a symphony with every movement. The suit amplifies his natural talent, allowing his melodies to resonate with the frequency of the universe, calming conflicts and healing wounds. His lyre, now a high-tech instrument, can project waves capable of disarming foes or constructing barriers. Colors: gold, silver, and blue, full body.
Superhero inspired by Orpheus, the legendary Greek musician whose music could charm the very stones. His full-body suit is embedded with strings and musical circuits, creating a symphony with every movement. The suit amplifies his natural talent, allowing his melodies to resonate with the frequency of the universe, calming conflicts and healing wounds. His lyre, now a high-tech instrument, can project waves capable of disarming foes or constructing barriers. Colors: gold, silver, and blue, full body.