Nestled within the heart of an ancient forest, there lies a hidden hamlet of A Ewok Village rocky terrain with a river, leading wanderers along the moss-covered paths to the tranquil melody of a silver stream winding gently past these timeworn abodes of the forest's smallest guardians
توضيح-خيال مُجرد 22
عدسة زاوية واسعة لمسافات طويلة جدًا,رؤية زاوية واسعة
Nestled within the heart of an ancient forest, there lies a hidden hamlet of A Ewok Village rocky terrain with a river, leading wanderers along the moss-covered paths to the tranquil melody of a silver stream winding gently past these timeworn abodes of the forest's smallest guardians
توضيح-خيال مُجرد 22
عدسة زاوية واسعة لمسافات طويلة جدًا,رؤية زاوية واسعة