Gorgeous 19 years old Kate Bush is performing her number one hit Babushka", she has short light red-blonde curly hair, an elaborate headband with a silver sign in her hair, some make-up, red lipps, a silver-golden bra some jewelry and decorations, fingerless gloves and silver-golden bikini on, with black cowboy boots with frays, she stands in front of a colorfull foggy background sreen illuminated with a bright silver-white spot light behind her
Gorgeous 19 years old Kate Bush is performing her number one hit Babushka", she has short light red-blonde curly hair, an elaborate headband with a silver sign in her hair, some make-up, red lipps, a silver-golden bra some jewelry and decorations, fingerless gloves and silver-golden bikini on, with black cowboy boots with frays, she stands in front of a colorfull foggy background sreen illuminated with a bright silver-white spot light behind her