In the heart of the chaotic underwater world, a surreal and powerful dystopian world is depicted in digital art. This is a digital art masterpiece, where the unique fusion of life and technology is fused with an ethereal energy. a multi-dimensional hypercube, bursting with swirling magic energy and distorting shapes, dances into the canvas of swirling, sparking voids. Its vibrant and audible form is a testament to the insatiable power of being connected. And in the midst of it all, a stunning performance of a muscular female fitness model named Zara comes into view, wving long beauty that pulses with intensity and power. She wears a warm, cocoa-colored blazer and a flowing suit, conveying a sense of courage and grace. Her confidence exudes grace and poise, adding to the captivating scene that will forever bring down any unseen creature.
تلميح سلبي:
(((((Nude,( naked, nudity)), NSFW, ((long neck, stretched body, long torso)))))), ((((Nude, (nudity, naked)), weapons, guns, rifles, blades, animal ears, swords, knifes, NSFW))), ((((Long neck, long body, stretched torso), nude, nudity, naked, NSFW, )))ugly, deformed, noisy, blurry, distorted, out of focus, bad anatomy, extra limbs, poorly drawn face, poorly drawn hands, missing fingers, nudity, nude(((Nude, nudity, nsfw, long neck, long torso, stretched body, ((animal ears)),too many fingers, missing fingers))), NSFW, naked, nude, Hair, sculpture. Pixar, cartoon, anime, low quality, plastic, 2 heads, 2 faces, tiling, poorly drawn, ugly, poorly drawn face, extra arms, extra legs, ugly, bad fingers, (((animal ears))), ugly, NSFW, naked, nude, Hair, sculpture. Pixar, cartoon, anime, low quality, plastic, 2 heads, 2 faces, tiling, poorly drawn, ugly, poorly drawn face, extra arms, extra legs, ugly, bad fingers, animal ears (((Nude, nudity, nsfw, long neck, long torso, stretched body, too many fingers, missing fingers))), NSFW, naked, nude, Hair, sculpture. Pixar, cartoon, anime, low quality, plastic, 2 heads, 2 faces, tiling, poorly drawn, ugly, poorly drawn face, extra arms, extra legs, ugly, bad fingers, animal, ugly, deformed, noisy, blurry, distorted, grainy, nudity, nude
In the heart of the chaotic underwater world, a surreal and powerful dystopian world is depicted in digital art. This is a digital art masterpiece, where the unique fusion of life and technology is fused with an ethereal energy. a multi-dimensional hypercube, bursting with swirling magic energy and distorting shapes, dances into the canvas of swirling, sparking voids. Its vibrant and audible form is a testament to the insatiable power of being connected. And in the midst of it all, a stunning performance of a muscular female fitness model named Zara comes into view, wving long beauty that pulses with intensity and power. She wears a warm, cocoa-colored blazer and a flowing suit, conveying a sense of courage and grace. Her confidence exudes grace and poise, adding to the captivating scene that will forever bring down any unseen creature.
تلميح سلبي:
(((((Nude,( naked, nudity)), NSFW, ((long neck, stretched body, long torso)))))), ((((Nude, (nudity, naked)), weapons, guns, rifles, blades, animal ears, swords, knifes, NSFW))), ((((Long neck, long body, stretched torso), nude, nudity, naked, NSFW, )))ugly, deformed, noisy, blurry, distorted, out of focus, bad anatomy, extra limbs, poorly drawn face, poorly drawn hands, missing fingers, nudity, nude(((Nude, nudity, nsfw, long neck, long torso, stretched body, ((animal ears)),too many fingers, missing fingers))), NSFW, naked, nude, Hair, sculpture. Pixar, cartoon, anime, low quality, plastic, 2 heads, 2 faces, tiling, poorly drawn, ugly, poorly drawn face, extra arms, extra legs, ugly, bad fingers, (((animal ears))), ugly, NSFW, naked, nude, Hair, sculpture. Pixar, cartoon, anime, low quality, plastic, 2 heads, 2 faces, tiling, poorly drawn, ugly, poorly drawn face, extra arms, extra legs, ugly, bad fingers, animal ears (((Nude, nudity, nsfw, long neck, long torso, stretched body, too many fingers, missing fingers))), NSFW, naked, nude, Hair, sculpture. Pixar, cartoon, anime, low quality, plastic, 2 heads, 2 faces, tiling, poorly drawn, ugly, poorly drawn face, extra arms, extra legs, ugly, bad fingers, animal, ugly, deformed, noisy, blurry, distorted, grainy, nudity, nude