In the midst of a prehistoric forest, a woman dressed in armor and wielding a rusted sword stands in front of a towering portal made entirely of leather. Its eyes glow with a mischievous emerald light as it gazes intently at the mysterious structure. A ring shaped mysterious portal with glowing orbs looms nearby, its outlines worn and weathered by time. The scene is filled with otherworldly creatures, including towering dinosaurs, their eyes gazing into the distance with a psychedelic aura.
In the midst of a prehistoric forest, a woman dressed in armor and wielding a rusted sword stands in front of a towering portal made entirely of leather. Its eyes glow with a mischievous emerald light as it gazes intently at the mysterious structure. A ring shaped mysterious portal with glowing orbs looms nearby, its outlines worn and weathered by time. The scene is filled with otherworldly creatures, including towering dinosaurs, their eyes gazing into the distance with a psychedelic aura.