Two gorgeous female airshow pilots in elaborate mid-red jet fighter overalls with black decorations and Shell advertisment, with eloborate flight gear, blonde and dark-brown 2024 hairdo each, sitting each on a little small blue and red tool box, each black fingerless gloves and boots, aviators watch on wrist over gloves, women within a elaborate equiped civil hangar with red Pitts Special aerobtic bi-plane with white sunburst painting parked 10 m nearby, some aviation advertising and aircraft posters on the walls of illuminated hangar, girls smiling with happiness
Two gorgeous female airshow pilots in elaborate mid-red jet fighter overalls with black decorations and Shell advertisment, with eloborate flight gear, blonde and dark-brown 2024 hairdo each, sitting each on a little small blue and red tool box, each black fingerless gloves and boots, aviators watch on wrist over gloves, women within a elaborate equiped civil hangar with red Pitts Special aerobtic bi-plane with white sunburst painting parked 10 m nearby, some aviation advertising and aircraft posters on the walls of illuminated hangar, girls smiling with happiness