Rizky Budiman
تصيير الرسم v2
الأسلوب: التصوير الفوتوغرافي-واقعي
مشهد: خطة المناظر الطبيعية
وضع: العمق
تلميح سلبي: has a water play area on the bottom left along with 2 swimming pools, then next to the swimming pool there is a mosque, and there is a bridge between the road that connects the play area to the orange plantation area next to the orange plantation there is a guesthouse and a multipurpose building in the upper left area there is a soccer field and surrounded by a camping area. on the right there is a trail bike arena
فنية: 100%
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صورة كبيرة
Rizky Budiman
تصيير الرسم v2
الأسلوب: التصوير الفوتوغرافي-واقعي
مشهد: خطة المناظر الطبيعية
وضع: العمق
تلميح سلبي: has a water play area on the bottom left along with 2 swimming pools, then next to the swimming pool there is a mosque, and there is a bridge between the road that connects the play area to the orange plantation area next to the orange plantation there is a guesthouse and a multipurpose building in the upper left area there is a soccer field and surrounded by a camping area. on the right there is a trail bike arena
فنية: 100%
لا توجد بيانات حتى الآن

المزيد من المحتوى المشابه