Develop a 3D animated character that represents a handsome seated woman, with short hazel-colored hair, indifferently over the WhatsApp logo, dressed in jeans and a blouse. The surrounding environment should emulate your WhatsApp profile, with the username "Haddy" and a profile image that reflects the character. Enhance overall aesthetics with subtle soft light reflections for a polished finish., cinematic, 3d render, conceptual art
Develop a 3D animated character that represents a handsome seated woman, with short hazel-colored hair, indifferently over the WhatsApp logo, dressed in jeans and a blouse. The surrounding environment should emulate your WhatsApp profile, with the username "Haddy" and a profile image that reflects the character. Enhance overall aesthetics with subtle soft light reflections for a polished finish., cinematic, 3d render, conceptual art