A captivating cinematic still from a film depicting a colossal whale leaping with immense force from the depths of a sandy desert underground. The whale's powerful emergence creates a massive splash of sand and dust, filling the air with a hazy, golden glow. Its eyes convey a mixture of determination and wonder, as if it's discovering a new and uncharted world. The background reveals a vast desert landscape, with distant sand dunes and an eerie yet beautiful atmosphere, accentuating the whale's majestic presence in this extraordinary scene., photo, cinematic
توضيح-خيال واقعي 47
من منظور علوي,عدسة زاوية واسعة لمسافات طويلة جدًا,لقطة كاملة للجسم,بانوراما 360 درجة,منظور الطائر
A captivating cinematic still from a film depicting a colossal whale leaping with immense force from the depths of a sandy desert underground. The whale's powerful emergence creates a massive splash of sand and dust, filling the air with a hazy, golden glow. Its eyes convey a mixture of determination and wonder, as if it's discovering a new and uncharted world. The background reveals a vast desert landscape, with distant sand dunes and an eerie yet beautiful atmosphere, accentuating the whale's majestic presence in this extraordinary scene., photo, cinematic
توضيح-خيال واقعي 47
من منظور علوي,عدسة زاوية واسعة لمسافات طويلة جدًا,لقطة كاملة للجسم,بانوراما 360 درجة,منظور الطائر