In a surreal landscape, a soft and ethereal dream emerges, filled with a swirling mass of colors and lines. In the midst of a mesmerizing, and dreamlike scene, she gazes contentedly at a butterfly, who flutters around her through the air, its wings perfectly aligned and a perfect stroke of light. The dream is the result of a transformation of pure joy and beauty, as if it were a dream, but it is a sweet dream that will never come true. It envelopes her, yet she awakens, letting out a soft soft anthem, as if it has taken on a reality that will never come true. This is a dream, the perfect dream, the perfect version of that you've created, that will never come true.
In a surreal landscape, a soft and ethereal dream emerges, filled with a swirling mass of colors and lines. In the midst of a mesmerizing, and dreamlike scene, she gazes contentedly at a butterfly, who flutters around her through the air, its wings perfectly aligned and a perfect stroke of light. The dream is the result of a transformation of pure joy and beauty, as if it were a dream, but it is a sweet dream that will never come true. It envelopes her, yet she awakens, letting out a soft soft anthem, as if it has taken on a reality that will never come true. This is a dream, the perfect dream, the perfect version of that you've created, that will never come true.