3D animated character illustration featuring an elderly man with a cheerful expression. The character has a large, white beard and mustache, and is wearing a tall, grey top hat. He is dressed in a grey coat with large buttons, a brown belt, and brown boots. The character is holding a wooden staff in his left hand and waving with his right hand. The background is a simple, light grey gradient, which keeps the focus on the character. The overall style is cartoonish and friendly, with smooth textures and vibrant colors.
3D animated character illustration featuring an elderly man with a cheerful expression. The character has a large, white beard and mustache, and is wearing a tall, grey top hat. He is dressed in a grey coat with large buttons, a brown belt, and brown boots. The character is holding a wooden staff in his left hand and waving with his right hand. The background is a simple, light grey gradient, which keeps the focus on the character. The overall style is cartoonish and friendly, with smooth textures and vibrant colors.