In the heart of the savannah, a solitary dinosaur-clad group of sun-kissed dinosaurs stalk the earth within. The trail of a rocky bridge stretches off into the distance, its surface rough and exposed. The sun casts a golden glow above the scene, making the dinosaurs sway gently in the wind. The air is golden and dusty as the dinosaurs continue their journey along the water, leaving a trail of dust in their wake.
In the heart of the savannah, a solitary dinosaur-clad group of sun-kissed dinosaurs stalk the earth within. The trail of a rocky bridge stretches off into the distance, its surface rough and exposed. The sun casts a golden glow above the scene, making the dinosaurs sway gently in the wind. The air is golden and dusty as the dinosaurs continue their journey along the water, leaving a trail of dust in their wake.