The throne of a nobleman lies on the ground, surrounded by intricate carvings and statues adorning the walls. A young girl in a black oversized puffy coat sits with her throne firmly planted on her chest, holding a pair of fingers in her lap. Her eyes are closed, and she looks on with an enigmatic smile, as if she is ready to take on the world of beauty. Together, they transform the ancient castle into a peaceful and serene space, filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers and the soft hum of the sun through the trees.
The throne of a nobleman lies on the ground, surrounded by intricate carvings and statues adorning the walls. A young girl in a black oversized puffy coat sits with her throne firmly planted on her chest, holding a pair of fingers in her lap. Her eyes are closed, and she looks on with an enigmatic smile, as if she is ready to take on the world of beauty. Together, they transform the ancient castle into a peaceful and serene space, filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers and the soft hum of the sun through the trees.