In the endless dunes of a scorching desert, a translucent-scaled Dragon rises, its vast wings like crystalline cathedrals. Each movement of its wings creates a light show as the sun's rays are refracted through its scales, spreading colors across the desert. His eyes, an icy blue, observe the horizon with a calculating gaze. The hot desert wind stirs up sandstorms, but the dragon remains motionless, an imposing figure of power and mystery that seems made of ice and fire.
In the endless dunes of a scorching desert, a translucent-scaled Dragon rises, its vast wings like crystalline cathedrals. Each movement of its wings creates a light show as the sun's rays are refracted through its scales, spreading colors across the desert. His eyes, an icy blue, observe the horizon with a calculating gaze. The hot desert wind stirs up sandstorms, but the dragon remains motionless, an imposing figure of power and mystery that seems made of ice and fire.