مولد الصور الذكاء الاصطناعي
整個畫面以全身鏡頭呈現,李珈瑜自信而堅定地站立,雙腿修長而結實,展現出她的力量與活力。她的神情充滿勇氣,面帶微笑,眼神閃爍著對冒險的渴望。她的臉部特徵誇張而可愛,突顯了她的青春活力,Q版風格使她的形象更加生動。背景添加柔和的粉色漸層,增添夢幻感,營造出一種充滿生機與希望的氛圍,整個畫面應該動感十足,突出她幽默而勇敢的個性,似乎隨時準備迎接新的挑戰。Here's the latest depiction of Ober humorously tripping over too-long sleeves, complete with gradient backgrounds and hilarious details. A chibi-style black cat named Obo has exaggerated big eyes and sparkling yellow eyes, giving people a playful and cute feeling. His fur is neatly groomed, except when things go wrong, causing it to become fluffy and shaggy, Obo is wearing a small custom-made martial arts suit that looks too big for his chibi body, with sleeves that are too long and claws It's also too big. The tail twitches in frustration, and the background gradients from dark purple at the edges to light blue in the center.
التصوير الفوتوغرافي-سينمائي
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