In the depths of a desolate forest, an elderly mansion is illuminated by the flickering light of the day. The eerie figure gazes into the eye, its eyes glowing with a radiant energy, each expression swirling and moving as if alive. The statue seems to be gazing intently through a maze of contortions, each one seemingly captivating in its own way. But its eyes glow with a fierce glow, casting a warm glow upon the ground below. The figure, sensing danger, gazes out into the depths of the night sky, evoking a sense of terror, as if daring the mansion to utter its inner turmoil.
In the depths of a desolate forest, an elderly mansion is illuminated by the flickering light of the day. The eerie figure gazes into the eye, its eyes glowing with a radiant energy, each expression swirling and moving as if alive. The statue seems to be gazing intently through a maze of contortions, each one seemingly captivating in its own way. But its eyes glow with a fierce glow, casting a warm glow upon the ground below. The figure, sensing danger, gazes out into the depths of the night sky, evoking a sense of terror, as if daring the mansion to utter its inner turmoil.