"An enchanting scene where two young adult girls embrace both Diwali and Halloween in a festive fusion! One girl dazzles in a traditional Diwali saree, lighting a diya, while her friend stands beside her in a spooky Halloween witch costume holding a jack-o’-lantern. The background features a mix of glowing diyas and hanging spider webs, with fireworks illuminating the sky on one side and a full moon casting eerie shadows on the other. The overall vibe beautifully blends the elegance of Diwali with the thrilling mystery of Halloween, creating a unique celebration atmosphere."
"An enchanting scene where two young adult girls embrace both Diwali and Halloween in a festive fusion! One girl dazzles in a traditional Diwali saree, lighting a diya, while her friend stands beside her in a spooky Halloween witch costume holding a jack-o’-lantern. The background features a mix of glowing diyas and hanging spider webs, with fireworks illuminating the sky on one side and a full moon casting eerie shadows on the other. The overall vibe beautifully blends the elegance of Diwali with the thrilling mystery of Halloween, creating a unique celebration atmosphere."