Lira, the young fairy, emerges from the portal and finds herself in a world covered in ice. The once-vibrant skies are now a frozen wasteland, with towering glaciers and snow-covered landscapes stretching as far as her eyes can see. The cold bites at her wings, and the wind howls in her ears. She shivers, realizing that this icy realm is far more dangerous than anything she’s ever faced before. To survive, Lira must harness new powers and uncover the secrets hidden beneath the frozen surface.
Lira, the young fairy, emerges from the portal and finds herself in a world covered in ice. The once-vibrant skies are now a frozen wasteland, with towering glaciers and snow-covered landscapes stretching as far as her eyes can see. The cold bites at her wings, and the wind howls in her ears. She shivers, realizing that this icy realm is far more dangerous than anything she’s ever faced before. To survive, Lira must harness new powers and uncover the secrets hidden beneath the frozen surface.