"Cartoon-style magical field at sunset with vibrant colors. A warm sky in orange, pink, and purple hues. A large tree is close-up and in focus, with a view as if lying beneath it, while a spacious grassy meadow with a few scattered marigold flowers stretches out in the background. Gentle petals float through the air, adding a whimsical touch. The scene is lively and serene, with bold lines and a basic animated style."
"Cartoon-style magical field at sunset with vibrant colors. A warm sky in orange, pink, and purple hues. A large tree is close-up and in focus, with a view as if lying beneath it, while a spacious grassy meadow with a few scattered marigold flowers stretches out in the background. Gentle petals float through the air, adding a whimsical touch. The scene is lively and serene, with bold lines and a basic animated style."