In the heart of a bustling city, a group of four small houses with a vibrant green roof complete their urban landscape. In the center of the scene, a wooden lattice roof connects two sides of a nearby court, where a tall olive tree with intricate ornamental stones catches the eye. In the middle, a whimsical Zen rock garden hip roof adorned with a vibrant mural featuring a intricate flora of flowers and shrubs catches the eye. The sky above is a deep blue, signaling the approaching sunset, and a ray of sunlight streams into the distance. This colorful circle features a towering olive tree with intricate floral patterns in its ebb and flow, while the towering eaves of the garden provide a dynamic contrast to the urban landscape. The scene exudes a sense of calm and serenity, a perfect showcase for the architectural marvel at all it is.
تصوير-التجسيد المعماري
يوم,حداثة منتصف القرن,العمارة الأساسية
عدسة زاوية واسعة لمسافات طويلة جدًا,بانوراما 360 درجة
In the heart of a bustling city, a group of four small houses with a vibrant green roof complete their urban landscape. In the center of the scene, a wooden lattice roof connects two sides of a nearby court, where a tall olive tree with intricate ornamental stones catches the eye. In the middle, a whimsical Zen rock garden hip roof adorned with a vibrant mural featuring a intricate flora of flowers and shrubs catches the eye. The sky above is a deep blue, signaling the approaching sunset, and a ray of sunlight streams into the distance. This colorful circle features a towering olive tree with intricate floral patterns in its ebb and flow, while the towering eaves of the garden provide a dynamic contrast to the urban landscape. The scene exudes a sense of calm and serenity, a perfect showcase for the architectural marvel at all it is.
تصوير-التجسيد المعماري
يوم,حداثة منتصف القرن,العمارة الأساسية
عدسة زاوية واسعة لمسافات طويلة جدًا,بانوراما 360 درجة