As the train rumbles through the city streets, a lonely old woman dressed in a bright red sweater and a pair of thick white jeans sits by side on a wooden bench, sipping on a warm drink with a cup of coffee. A girl with brown hair and a woman with freckles sits patiently, her arms crossed over her waist. In the distance, a bokeh train rumbles by, its windows sparkling in the light. The train horn whirls in the distance and fills the air with a sweet melody.
As the train rumbles through the city streets, a lonely old woman dressed in a bright red sweater and a pair of thick white jeans sits by side on a wooden bench, sipping on a warm drink with a cup of coffee. A girl with brown hair and a woman with freckles sits patiently, her arms crossed over her waist. In the distance, a bokeh train rumbles by, its windows sparkling in the light. The train horn whirls in the distance and fills the air with a sweet melody.