An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, depicting a high school girl with a sharp, arrogant, and haughty demeanor. She has long, blonde hair styled into elegant twin drills resembling croissants, and striking violet eyes with a piercing, almost condescending gaze. Her expression is a sly smirk, radiating an air of superiority and mischief. She wears a finely tailored school uniform with luxurious embellishments, such as a brooch or intricate ribbon, that emphasize her privileged background. The background is softly blurred, with subtle hints of a grandiose setting, keeping the focus on her regal yet intimidating presence
An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, depicting a high school girl with a sharp, arrogant, and haughty demeanor. She has long, blonde hair styled into elegant twin drills resembling croissants, and striking violet eyes with a piercing, almost condescending gaze. Her expression is a sly smirk, radiating an air of superiority and mischief. She wears a finely tailored school uniform with luxurious embellishments, such as a brooch or intricate ribbon, that emphasize her privileged background. The background is softly blurred, with subtle hints of a grandiose setting, keeping the focus on her regal yet intimidating presence