An intricate digital illustration, focusing on a group of five charming young girls, each dressed in a quirky, matching costume. They all have innocent expressions and are poised for a magical moment, while the background is a dark night. Her vivid pink dress and purple hair create a captivating scene, while the illustration's focal point adds a whimsical touch to this meticulous grouping. The illustration expertly uses light and shading to capture the intricate details of the girls and the hint of an unseen light source.
An intricate digital illustration, focusing on a group of five charming young girls, each dressed in a quirky, matching costume. They all have innocent expressions and are poised for a magical moment, while the background is a dark night. Her vivid pink dress and purple hair create a captivating scene, while the illustration's focal point adds a whimsical touch to this meticulous grouping. The illustration expertly uses light and shading to capture the intricate details of the girls and the hint of an unseen light source.