"An animated scene inspired by the iconic Batman interrogation room, but instead of the Joker, replace him with the Grinch. Batman, in his dark and detailed suit, stands intimidatingly behind the Grinch, who is seated at the table. The Grinch has his mischievous grin and classic green fur, wearing a comically oversized Santa outfit with exaggerated details. The setting is a dimly lit, gritty interrogation room with tiled walls and a metal table. The atmosphere is dramatic yet playful, combining the seriousness of Batman with the whimsical nature of the Grinch, rendered in a stylized animated art style."
"An animated scene inspired by the iconic Batman interrogation room, but instead of the Joker, replace him with the Grinch. Batman, in his dark and detailed suit, stands intimidatingly behind the Grinch, who is seated at the table. The Grinch has his mischievous grin and classic green fur, wearing a comically oversized Santa outfit with exaggerated details. The setting is a dimly lit, gritty interrogation room with tiled walls and a metal table. The atmosphere is dramatic yet playful, combining the seriousness of Batman with the whimsical nature of the Grinch, rendered in a stylized animated art style."