Create an anime-style illustration inspired by Kyoto Animation, featuring a striking woman in her mid-20s with a mature and confident aura. She has a tall, slender, yet curvaceous figure, exuding a dark and villainous charm. Her short bob haircut is dyed a striking pink, with a single long strand of hair falling over her face, partially obscuring her nose and adding a mysterious edge to her look. Her sharp eyes and wicked smirk radiate an aura of danger and allure. She wears a fantasy-inspired school uniform with intricate, dark magical accents, emphasizing her role as an anti-hero or villain. The setting is a surreal, ominous landscape filled with floating ruins and glowing magical glyphs, rendered in stunning 8K resolution, capturing every detail of her expression, outfit, and the haunting atmosphere."
Create an anime-style illustration inspired by Kyoto Animation, featuring a striking woman in her mid-20s with a mature and confident aura. She has a tall, slender, yet curvaceous figure, exuding a dark and villainous charm. Her short bob haircut is dyed a striking pink, with a single long strand of hair falling over her face, partially obscuring her nose and adding a mysterious edge to her look. Her sharp eyes and wicked smirk radiate an aura of danger and allure. She wears a fantasy-inspired school uniform with intricate, dark magical accents, emphasizing her role as an anti-hero or villain. The setting is a surreal, ominous landscape filled with floating ruins and glowing magical glyphs, rendered in stunning 8K resolution, capturing every detail of her expression, outfit, and the haunting atmosphere."