An indoor view of four burning seats in a train station, with a white fire alarm attached to the left side of the backrest. The image shows a red and white color scheme on the train, with a large documentary photograph created by a magazine that is about to be produced. Four leather seating chairs are lined up towards the back of the train, while two sit on the front, side by side, with one sitting alone and the other six with an oddly wrapped seat seat. These seats have white foamy seats that feel like they have been pressed against the surface before finishing, these seats have been cut out for the camera. A gray ceiling is behind the railroad, with thin beams for lights, going through it above the room.
An indoor view of four burning seats in a train station, with a white fire alarm attached to the left side of the backrest. The image shows a red and white color scheme on the train, with a large documentary photograph created by a magazine that is about to be produced. Four leather seating chairs are lined up towards the back of the train, while two sit on the front, side by side, with one sitting alone and the other six with an oddly wrapped seat seat. These seats have white foamy seats that feel like they have been pressed against the surface before finishing, these seats have been cut out for the camera. A gray ceiling is behind the railroad, with thin beams for lights, going through it above the room.