In the heart of the labyrinth, the Minotaur roars in rage, a towering humanoid with a bull’s head, covered in scars and rough skin. His eyes burn with fury as he charges toward Theseus, who stands with his back against the stone walls, ready for battle. Teseus is muscular and determined, wearing a short tunic and light armor, holding a sword and shield in defensive posture. Ariadne's thread glows faintly on the stone floor, leading back to the labyrinth’s entrance. The air is thick with mist as the narrow, claustrophobic path echoes with the sound of hooves smashing against the floor. The walls, cracked and ivy-covered, cast long shadows from flickering torchlight as the Minotaur lunges at Theseus with incredible force, his muscles tensed, ready to strike.
In the heart of the labyrinth, the Minotaur roars in rage, a towering humanoid with a bull’s head, covered in scars and rough skin. His eyes burn with fury as he charges toward Theseus, who stands with his back against the stone walls, ready for battle. Teseus is muscular and determined, wearing a short tunic and light armor, holding a sword and shield in defensive posture. Ariadne's thread glows faintly on the stone floor, leading back to the labyrinth’s entrance. The air is thick with mist as the narrow, claustrophobic path echoes with the sound of hooves smashing against the floor. The walls, cracked and ivy-covered, cast long shadows from flickering torchlight as the Minotaur lunges at Theseus with incredible force, his muscles tensed, ready to strike.