"Actor Will Smith, left, takes a photo with other cast members from the '90s show ""The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"" on Tuesday, March 28. Next to Smith, from left, are Tatyana Ali, Alfonso Ribeiro, Karyn Parsons, Daphne Maxwell Reid and Joseph Marcell. ""Lunch with my BFF's,"" <a href=""https://www.facebook.com/92304305160/photos/a.231136370160.270995.92304305160/10158289671575161/?type=3&theater"" target=""_blank"">Smith said on Facebook.</a> ""I missed my Uncle Phil today."" Smith was referring to James Avery, the actor who played Uncle Phil on the show and died in 2013."
"Actor Will Smith, left, takes a photo with other cast members from the '90s show ""The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"" on Tuesday, March 28. Next to Smith, from left, are Tatyana Ali, Alfonso Ribeiro, Karyn Parsons, Daphne Maxwell Reid and Joseph Marcell. ""Lunch with my BFF's,"" <a href=""https://www.facebook.com/92304305160/photos/a.231136370160.270995.92304305160/10158289671575161/?type=3&theater"" target=""_blank"">Smith said on Facebook.</a> ""I missed my Uncle Phil today."" Smith was referring to James Avery, the actor who played Uncle Phil on the show and died in 2013."