Sunday Afternoon, Dalmatia The water in this painting has a lovely velvety feel about it. An initial wash was put down using Cerulean Blue and changing it to Cobalt Blue as I came forward (or to the bottom of the page). While this was still wet, I added some violet ripples with thicker paint. I made sure this was thick enough to bleed just a little and produce soft edges. Too thin and it would have disappeared altogether. After this was dry, I glazed randomly and gently over the foreground with a watery wash of Violet, just to give it a little more depth. Finally, I added those dark strokes just to give it a little more punch. Take note of the tones of the reflections of the boats in this painting.
Sunday Afternoon, Dalmatia The water in this painting has a lovely velvety feel about it. An initial wash was put down using Cerulean Blue and changing it to Cobalt Blue as I came forward (or to the bottom of the page). While this was still wet, I added some violet ripples with thicker paint. I made sure this was thick enough to bleed just a little and produce soft edges. Too thin and it would have disappeared altogether. After this was dry, I glazed randomly and gently over the foreground with a watery wash of Violet, just to give it a little more depth. Finally, I added those dark strokes just to give it a little more punch. Take note of the tones of the reflections of the boats in this painting.