"Imagine an abandoned hospital, its facade looming in the darkness of the night. The once bustling building now stands silent and eerie, with broken windows and crumbling walls casting ominous shadows. Nature slowly reclaims the exterior, with ivy creeping up the walls and weeds overtaking the neglected grounds. The moonlight casts an eerie glow on the deserted structure, evoking a sense of mystery and unease in the stillness of the night."
"Imagine an abandoned hospital, its facade looming in the darkness of the night. The once bustling building now stands silent and eerie, with broken windows and crumbling walls casting ominous shadows. Nature slowly reclaims the exterior, with ivy creeping up the walls and weeds overtaking the neglected grounds. The moonlight casts an eerie glow on the deserted structure, evoking a sense of mystery and unease in the stillness of the night."