Superhero inspired by Raiju, the Japanese creature known to accompany the god of lightning, Raijin. Reimagine him as a tempest of cosmic storms in a future where electric energies fuel star systems. His attire melds electric creature aesthetics with advanced storm-tech designs, adorned with lightning bolt patterns. His aura crackles with boundless energy. Incorporate claws, surging with electric currents, that can summon and tame any cosmic storm. Colors: thunder teal, talon tangerine, and tempest turquoise. Capture the essence of a tempest reigning over the electric dance of the cosmos.
Superhero inspired by Raiju, the Japanese creature known to accompany the god of lightning, Raijin. Reimagine him as a tempest of cosmic storms in a future where electric energies fuel star systems. His attire melds electric creature aesthetics with advanced storm-tech designs, adorned with lightning bolt patterns. His aura crackles with boundless energy. Incorporate claws, surging with electric currents, that can summon and tame any cosmic storm. Colors: thunder teal, talon tangerine, and tempest turquoise. Capture the essence of a tempest reigning over the electric dance of the cosmos.