Superhero inspired by Arawn, the Celtic god of the underworld, life, death, and retribution. Reimagine him as a sovereign of cosmic afterlives in a future where souls traverse interstellar realms. His attire blends underworld mystery with advanced spectral-tech designs, adorned with soul and shadow motifs. His aura whispers the secrets of life and death. Incorporate a scepter, veiled in nebulous mist, that can guide or judge any wandering spirit. Colors: shadow silver, soul sapphire, and sovereign smoke. Capture the essence of a sovereign arbitrating the eternal journey of souls through the cosmic continuum.
Superhero inspired by Arawn, the Celtic god of the underworld, life, death, and retribution. Reimagine him as a sovereign of cosmic afterlives in a future where souls traverse interstellar realms. His attire blends underworld mystery with advanced spectral-tech designs, adorned with soul and shadow motifs. His aura whispers the secrets of life and death. Incorporate a scepter, veiled in nebulous mist, that can guide or judge any wandering spirit. Colors: shadow silver, soul sapphire, and sovereign smoke. Capture the essence of a sovereign arbitrating the eternal journey of souls through the cosmic continuum.