3D Anime,Nezuko Kamado, the demonized younger sister of Tanjiro Kamado, transforms into her ferocious demon form. Render in a detailed style, capturing the wild beauty and heightened senses of Nezuko's demon form. Her eyes turn crimson, fangs protrude from her mouth, and a bamboo muzzle restrains her urge to feed on humans. Utilize warm lighting and a contrasting black and red color palette to depict her demonic power and her underlying humanity.
3D Anime,Nezuko Kamado, the demonized younger sister of Tanjiro Kamado, transforms into her ferocious demon form. Render in a detailed style, capturing the wild beauty and heightened senses of Nezuko's demon form. Her eyes turn crimson, fangs protrude from her mouth, and a bamboo muzzle restrains her urge to feed on humans. Utilize warm lighting and a contrasting black and red color palette to depict her demonic power and her underlying humanity.