Supervillain inspired by Spring-Heeled Jack, the Victorian-era urban legend known for his ability to leap great heights and distances. His full-body suit is equipped with kinetic energy converters that amplify his jumps to superhuman levels, allowing him to bound over obstacles and escape pursuit with ease. His fingertips can emit sparks or flames, adding to his intimidating presence. He thrives on creating mayhem, his unpredictable movements making him a difficult target to pin down. Colors: anarchy ash grey, leap lightning yellow, and flare red, full body.
Supervillain inspired by Spring-Heeled Jack, the Victorian-era urban legend known for his ability to leap great heights and distances. His full-body suit is equipped with kinetic energy converters that amplify his jumps to superhuman levels, allowing him to bound over obstacles and escape pursuit with ease. His fingertips can emit sparks or flames, adding to his intimidating presence. He thrives on creating mayhem, his unpredictable movements making him a difficult target to pin down. Colors: anarchy ash grey, leap lightning yellow, and flare red, full body.