Superhero inspired by Tawhirimatea, the Maori god of weather. His full-body suit is a living canvas of the skies, constantly shifting with patterns of clouds, thunder, and lightning. The suit allows him to soar on the winds, summon tempests, and direct lightning with a mere gesture. His eyes glow with the power of the storm, and his voice can boom like thunder, disorienting foes with its sheer force. Colors: stormcloud gray, lightning yellow, and sky blue, full body.
Superhero inspired by Tawhirimatea, the Maori god of weather. His full-body suit is a living canvas of the skies, constantly shifting with patterns of clouds, thunder, and lightning. The suit allows him to soar on the winds, summon tempests, and direct lightning with a mere gesture. His eyes glow with the power of the storm, and his voice can boom like thunder, disorienting foes with its sheer force. Colors: stormcloud gray, lightning yellow, and sky blue, full body.