KI Bildgenerator
high-end gaming PC, ultra graphics settings, 1080p resolution, 60 FPS, anti-aliasing, high draw distance, maximum texture quality, anisotropic filtering, shadow quality, shader level, post-processing effects, ambient occlusion, high-quality bloom, lens dirt, motion blur, sun shafts, grass displacement, detailed terrain, realistic water reflections, dynamic weather effects, immersive sound, optimized for performance, multi-core rendering, SSD storage for faster load times, custom key bindings, field of view adjustment, Nvidia RTX enabled, ray tracing, DLSS for smoother gameplay, vibrant color palette, high contrast, sharp image quality, depth of field effect, panoramic view, interactive environment, real-time lighting, volumetric fog, particle effects, heat distortion, wildlife, survival elements, crafting system, multiplayer server, community mods, anti-cheat system.