Create an enchanting animation of a majestic peacock spreading its vibrant feathers against a transparent background. Bring to life the intricate patterns and mesmerizing colors as the peacock gracefully displays its beauty. Explore movements such as the gentle swaying of feathers, the proud arching of its neck, or the playful fluttering of wings. Let your creativity soar as you craft a captivating visual spectacle that celebrates the elegance of this magnificent bird." with transparent background
Create an enchanting animation of a majestic peacock spreading its vibrant feathers against a transparent background. Bring to life the intricate patterns and mesmerizing colors as the peacock gracefully displays its beauty. Explore movements such as the gentle swaying of feathers, the proud arching of its neck, or the playful fluttering of wings. Let your creativity soar as you craft a captivating visual spectacle that celebrates the elegance of this magnificent bird." with transparent background