Superhero inspired by Goliath from "Gargoyles," reimagined as a formidable and noble protector of the night. His full-body suit enhances his natural gargoyle abilities, allowing him to glide through the cityscape and blend into stone structures. His strength is unmatched, and his wings can create powerful gusts of wind. His deep sense of justice and loyalty make him a guardian angel for those in need. Colors: guardian gray, night black, and titan purple, full body.
Superhero inspired by Goliath from "Gargoyles," reimagined as a formidable and noble protector of the night. His full-body suit enhances his natural gargoyle abilities, allowing him to glide through the cityscape and blend into stone structures. His strength is unmatched, and his wings can create powerful gusts of wind. His deep sense of justice and loyalty make him a guardian angel for those in need. Colors: guardian gray, night black, and titan purple, full body.