In a dystopian metropolis, Doctor Strange is fighting to the death against Scarlet Witch, who is absorbed in collapsing the universe to achieve her goal. The background is an arid, desolate cityscape, with towering skyscrapers and neon lights in the distance. The art is reminiscent of a sci-fi masterpiece, with intricate details and sharp angles that evoke the atmosphere of the city. The scene is an epic blend of reality and fantasy, a testament to the enduring power of sci-fi art.
In a dystopian metropolis, Doctor Strange is fighting to the death against Scarlet Witch, who is absorbed in collapsing the universe to achieve her goal. The background is an arid, desolate cityscape, with towering skyscrapers and neon lights in the distance. The art is reminiscent of a sci-fi masterpiece, with intricate details and sharp angles that evoke the atmosphere of the city. The scene is an epic blend of reality and fantasy, a testament to the enduring power of sci-fi art.