A captivating science fiction illustration of a futuristic private jet, inspired by the sleek design of the Lear Jet. The metallic exterior shimmers under the electrified stormy sky, as it soars through jagged, electric-blue clouds. Powerful lightning strikes illuminate the darkness, adding to the awe-inspiring and ominous atmosphere. Inside the cockpit, the protagonist, a determined figure, gazes intently at the turbulent skies, symbolizing their courageous journey into the unknown. Writing "SKYWARD" in futuristic letters fat bit on upper image
A captivating science fiction illustration of a futuristic private jet, inspired by the sleek design of the Lear Jet. The metallic exterior shimmers under the electrified stormy sky, as it soars through jagged, electric-blue clouds. Powerful lightning strikes illuminate the darkness, adding to the awe-inspiring and ominous atmosphere. Inside the cockpit, the protagonist, a determined figure, gazes intently at the turbulent skies, symbolizing their courageous journey into the unknown. Writing "SKYWARD" in futuristic letters fat bit on upper image