A chilling cinematic portrayal of a little butterfly-rabbit, a grotesque and powerful creature resembling a horrifying hybrid of a butterfly and a orange. This menacing creature is adorned with a sinister crown. Its eyes are filled with a fierce intensity, and its talons are sharp and formidable. The background is shrouded in a dark, stormy atmosphere, with ominous clouds and haunting shadows. The scene is reminiscent of a horror movie, capturing the essence of fear and unease., cinematic
A chilling cinematic portrayal of a little butterfly-rabbit, a grotesque and powerful creature resembling a horrifying hybrid of a butterfly and a orange. This menacing creature is adorned with a sinister crown. Its eyes are filled with a fierce intensity, and its talons are sharp and formidable. The background is shrouded in a dark, stormy atmosphere, with ominous clouds and haunting shadows. The scene is reminiscent of a horror movie, capturing the essence of fear and unease., cinematic