A captivating cinematic illustration of a unique mythical creature, the Chicken-Turtle. The creature has a regal, chicken-like head with a proud posture, a robust turtle body, and a fiery, dragon-like tail that's flaring up in excitement. The Chicken-Turtle is diving into the ocean, leaving a trail of bubbles behind. The background reveals a vast, deep blue sea with rays of sunlight piercing through the waves., cinematic
A captivating cinematic illustration of a unique mythical creature, the Chicken-Turtle. The creature has a regal, chicken-like head with a proud posture, a robust turtle body, and a fiery, dragon-like tail that's flaring up in excitement. The Chicken-Turtle is diving into the ocean, leaving a trail of bubbles behind. The background reveals a vast, deep blue sea with rays of sunlight piercing through the waves., cinematic