Eddie Fresh Pig pen layout
Building Layout: For the 200 sow breeding housing, an M-shaped building. The two arms of the M shape can house the sow breeding area, while the center should contain the office, store, washrooms, and feed storage. The large room with a swimming pond can be located at one end of the building, where the pigs can have easy access to it and the other end will have a large room for social grow out piglets after weaning.
Staff Amenities: The two large staff bathrooms and changing room should have toilets, sinks, and showers. Also, a footbath at the entrance will help control the spread of diseases among the pigs
Feed Mixing Area and Store: The feed mixing area should be located close to the store to facilitate easy movement of feeds from the store to the mixing area. Additionally, the feed store should be properly designed to prevent contamination of the feeds by rodents and other pests. completly seal all in and out.
Eddie Fresh Pig pen layout
Building Layout: For the 200 sow breeding housing, an M-shaped building. The two arms of the M shape can house the sow breeding area, while the center should contain the office, store, washrooms, and feed storage. The large room with a swimming pond can be located at one end of the building, where the pigs can have easy access to it and the other end will have a large room for social grow out piglets after weaning.
Staff Amenities: The two large staff bathrooms and changing room should have toilets, sinks, and showers. Also, a footbath at the entrance will help control the spread of diseases among the pigs
Feed Mixing Area and Store: The feed mixing area should be located close to the store to facilitate easy movement of feeds from the store to the mixing area. Additionally, the feed store should be properly designed to prevent contamination of the feeds by rodents and other pests. completly seal all in and out.