In the midst of the bustling city, the iconic postage stamp takes shape over the 150th anniversary of the iconic Union Square. The stamped envelope adorns the back of the Union Square, a testament to the enduring legacy of the nation's pioneering transportation system. The scene is bathed in a warm, orange light, as the sun begins to set. The image shows the bustling city of New York City, bustling with activity and people going about their daily tasks.
In the midst of the bustling city, the iconic postage stamp takes shape over the 150th anniversary of the iconic Union Square. The stamped envelope adorns the back of the Union Square, a testament to the enduring legacy of the nation's pioneering transportation system. The scene is bathed in a warm, orange light, as the sun begins to set. The image shows the bustling city of New York City, bustling with activity and people going about their daily tasks.