In a whimsical world, a group of fluffy creatures roam free. Suddenly, they start to chase a group of tiny butterflies, and in the distance, a squirrel takes flight and jumps from tree to tree. But soon, the two creatures realize they are part of a larger and mysterious party. In the heart of the other creatures, they make big gains and move with grace and wonder. A group of curious butterflies follow the bizarre sight, seemingly oblivious to the bunny's world.
In a whimsical world, a group of fluffy creatures roam free. Suddenly, they start to chase a group of tiny butterflies, and in the distance, a squirrel takes flight and jumps from tree to tree. But soon, the two creatures realize they are part of a larger and mysterious party. In the heart of the other creatures, they make big gains and move with grace and wonder. A group of curious butterflies follow the bizarre sight, seemingly oblivious to the bunny's world.