In the heart of a bustling city, a small, white house stands proudly on the banks of the river. The house is made of rustic stone and has gleaming windows made of polished stone. A large garden in the center and the grounds are filled with colorful blooms. A small wooden bridge spans the length of the property, connecting the two houses below. A family of deer grazes in the nearby trees, and a fox with a red cap leans against the roof, watching from the outstretched wings. The sun sets behind the trees, casting a warm orange glow over the scene.
Villa,Wohngebäude,Mid-Century Modern,Bauhaus,Nachhaltige Innovation,Schweizer Eklektizismus,Tag,Außenbereiche für Kinderaktivitäten,Wilde Luxusgüter,Mid-Century Moderner Pool,Tag
In the heart of a bustling city, a small, white house stands proudly on the banks of the river. The house is made of rustic stone and has gleaming windows made of polished stone. A large garden in the center and the grounds are filled with colorful blooms. A small wooden bridge spans the length of the property, connecting the two houses below. A family of deer grazes in the nearby trees, and a fox with a red cap leans against the roof, watching from the outstretched wings. The sun sets behind the trees, casting a warm orange glow over the scene.
Villa,Wohngebäude,Mid-Century Modern,Bauhaus,Nachhaltige Innovation,Schweizer Eklektizismus,Tag,Außenbereiche für Kinderaktivitäten,Wilde Luxusgüter,Mid-Century Moderner Pool,Tag