The image depicts two animated characters, a young man and a young woman, standing side by side in what appears to be a traditional Japanese setting with shoji screens in the background.
The young man, on the left, has short black hair and wears a red yukata with a white undershirt. He is smiling and looking slightly towards the viewer. On his head, he has a red fox mask, positioned slightly to the side. He holds his left hand up, with yellow and red flames surrounding his fingers, giving the impression that he has some control over fire.
The young woman, on the right, has long black hair and is dressed in a purple kimono with a pink obi tied at her waist. She has a serious expression and is holding two red and white ofuda (Japanese talismans or paper charms) in her right hand. She also wears a gold headpiece across her forehead, adding an element of elegance.
The image depicts two animated characters, a young man and a young woman, standing side by side in what appears to be a traditional Japanese setting with shoji screens in the background.
The young man, on the left, has short black hair and wears a red yukata with a white undershirt. He is smiling and looking slightly towards the viewer. On his head, he has a red fox mask, positioned slightly to the side. He holds his left hand up, with yellow and red flames surrounding his fingers, giving the impression that he has some control over fire.
The young woman, on the right, has long black hair and is dressed in a purple kimono with a pink obi tied at her waist. She has a serious expression and is holding two red and white ofuda (Japanese talismans or paper charms) in her right hand. She also wears a gold headpiece across her forehead, adding an element of elegance.