This intriguing wildlife photo depicts a howler monkey, staring straight at the camera. Its fur is a contrasting black and rust color. The monkey's strong and confident expression adds to the subject's depth. The background exhibits the mostly green foliage, composed of plants and flowers, highlighting its natural surroundings. Captured with a 32k photo-realistic, high-definition camera and with classical wildlife photography techniques, this photograph presents incredible detail and texture that recreates the realism of the monkey's habitat.
Von oben Ansicht,Blick von oben,45 Grad Ansicht,Ansicht aus der Untersicht,Panorama,360-Panorama
This intriguing wildlife photo depicts a howler monkey, staring straight at the camera. Its fur is a contrasting black and rust color. The monkey's strong and confident expression adds to the subject's depth. The background exhibits the mostly green foliage, composed of plants and flowers, highlighting its natural surroundings. Captured with a 32k photo-realistic, high-definition camera and with classical wildlife photography techniques, this photograph presents incredible detail and texture that recreates the realism of the monkey's habitat.
Von oben Ansicht,Blick von oben,45 Grad Ansicht,Ansicht aus der Untersicht,Panorama,360-Panorama